Welcome Nora! Little baby Nora arrived April 20th, 2020 at 10:45 am at the Canton Potsdam Hospital in Potsdam NY. (That’s a cool birthday isn’t it!) Proud parents Nargish and Kibria were excited to welcome her to the family. And big brother Rayan is a great helper. She was 6 lbs. 2 oz at birth and 18 inches long.
Nora was a doll for her newborn photo shoot. And I was so excited and happy to hold her. (I had not been able to do a session in a few months due to the pandemic.) So, it was a real joy to get to photograph her. Nora’s mom chose a peachy pink color and subtle blues for her colors for the session. It all looked great together. The family photos on light grey coordinated beautifully. And big brother Rayan wore a soft pink shirt to celebrate his little sisters’ arrival. It all looked great on my pink flokati rug. Take a look at this beautiful session and join me in congratulation Nargish and Kibria on their beautiful baby girl!
Enjoy! - Natalie
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Video Birth Announcement
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